Just another MONday in 1991 for Gen X ers


🖤 Take what you need, and pass along the rest:

✅Your worth isn't subject to approval - Say it with me: "I forgive myself for viewing someone's lack of reciprocation as a challenge to convince them of my worth." @ehimeora

🎚Actions resonate a higher decibels - Instead of trying to persuade others to do what's right, expend more of your energy actually being an example. They are much more likely to 'hear' that. 

🚗Learn about Vehicular Residency - People are really fighting invisible battles out here.

🤔Be curious, not judgmental - "Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge" ~Carl Jung 

👭🏾Know your friends - Understand that each one fulfills a different, but important, need in your life. Be careful not to 'cross expectations'. Be ever-ready to reciprocate. 

🚦Don't stop now - "One day you will look back and be happy that you kept going." ~unknown

💚ASK: Are they good for my mental health? Let your answers be brutally honest, and act accordingly.

🔥Don't allow yourself to hit a wall - "Burnout can push you into self-destruction before you realize that your abundance was hiding in your overwhelm." @thrive_withmeg

😮‍💨BREATHE DEEPLY - It lowers blood pressure, anxiety, heart rate…and improves lung capacity, heart function, and relaxation. 

❤️‍🩹Hold space for your feelings - Because distracting ourselves from them doesn't make them go away. Don't let them keep you stuck, but always unapologetically acknowledge their validity. 

Here’s holding hope for a better week, a better world, a better life.

It’s #intentional.

Which emoji resonates?

Dr. Barbara Ford Shabazz

I’m a psychologist who coaches. Intentional Activities is a personal and executive coaching practice where I use over two decades of experience to help women and men disrupt negativity, refocus, and assert their true self (with balance!). I believe in creating a safe space where they don’t feel judged, and the hard stuff feels easier to work through. Learn more about how it works.




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