
Time for Change

Peace is what we’re in need of. And it exists in each of us.  So here's a space for anyone who feels the weight and pressure of the next week to return to peace. 

An election anxiety activity space is here for you to have tools to calm & encourage your psyche at the tap of your finger, to exit the doom scroll of your feed.

The goal of these Activities is to help you:

  • Affirm and stay grounded in your power

  • Identify and process your emotions at any given moment 

  • Plan to calm your nerves & manage catastrophizing

We cannot exist in an indefinite state of fight or flight. Being in a place of heightened physiological arousal, long-term, is detrimental to our physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Click here to access it.

With the love & support of people like you, Patent Ventures has helped me to make this  interactive webspace possible and free. Be sure to accept the affirmation notifications that we will send out periodically during election day as support.


We’re entering a season that is about making sure everyone else is taken care of. But before we embark on figuring out the logistics that will be this time around, let’s focus on ourselves. I ran across a post that talked about doing a list of things for 30 days in order to feel so much better. I didn’t save it, but remember some of the items. I’ve also added my own and hope you’ll do the same. Choose what you need for your mind, body, and soul reset over the next 30 days:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours per night

  • Be sure that your social media feed ‘feeds’ you

  • Drink ½ your body weight in water daily

  • Be a consistent practitioner of your faith

  • Express gratitude

  • Carve out ‘ME’ time

  • Move your body

  • Feed yourself nutritious food

  • Reflect on what you want more/less of in your life

  • Be kind to yourself and others

  • Extend forgiveness to yourself too 

  • Let go of negative self talk

  • Laugh more

  • Live more

  • Take the risk 

Happy Resetting! We certainly need it.  Don’t just let the saying about ‘pouring from an empty cup’ be a ‘saying’ in your life, 

Tis the season…

Major holidays are listed as #42 on the Holmes and Rahe Stress Inventory. Whether you celebrate or choose not to, we are all touched by the ‘energy’ that the holiday season brings. This year is especially tough because we can’t plan as we’re used to planning. But the rules still remain the same. Understand that:

  1. The holidays bring out the worst/best in people.

  2. You are not required to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

  3. It’s smart to have a boundary plan in place.

  4. You don’t have to be ‘guilted’ into doing anything just to continue the status quo.

  5. It’s up to you to create the feeling you want and find the joy you’re seeking.

To Whom much is given...much is required 

“Imagine struggling with being homeless and someone comes with a camera in your face to give you a meal and you have to take it...imagine that feeling. Please, stop doing that. If you go help someone, do it with kindness and not with your ego.” - Jim Carrey 

Even when we’re not feeling or doing our best, GIVING can have tremendous health benefits for us. When we give:

  1. We feel happier and more grateful

  2. The reward centers are activated in our brains

  3. Our stress levels are reduced

  4. We inspire others to give as well

  5. Good always comes back to us

  6. Our self esteem and self worth improves

  7. We make a true difference in the world

  8. Our blood pressure is decreased

  9. We enjoy a longer life expectancy

  10. It increases our social connection 

We are able to benefit from this selfless act when we don’t do it from a place of ego. In fact, the highest form of giving is when the giver nor the receiver know of each other’s participation in this act. It’s my hope that we continue being committed to sacrificially spreading all the love, joy, and peace that we can. It’s #intentional.

Barbara Shabazz

Dr. Barbara Ford Shabazz is a clinical psychologist and personal + executive coach. With a Doctoral degree (Psy.D.), she has spent 20+ years working with women and men in therapy and students in the classroom. She is a wife, mother, daughter, friend, author and darn-good professional.



October PSYCHALIVE Blogpost