So many questions, too many answers, and so much noise!

What will the new normal look like? When will outside open up again? Who’s essential? Will there be another wave of this global pandemic in the fall? Is this spoiled? How can I get a break from the people in this house? When will schools open? Why do we have to go back to work right now? Why do they keep playing the same news reports? Where are the hot spots? Why can’t I get unemployment? What type of mask do I need? When is the right time to buy bread, toilet paper (even though most of us SHOULD have enough), milk, etc.? Am I privileged? Should I feel badly about feeling good about quarantine? How am I supposed to survive? Will they ever make Lysol and Clorox wipes available again? How long will we have social distance? What’s essential? Where’s my stimulus check? When will we have concerts, events, and social gatherings? What places are serving take out? What time does the grocery store close? Did I cross-contaminate? Will my family stay well? Are my groceries sanitized? Is this allergies or...? What day is it?...

Do you have questions? 

How many could you ADD to this list?

We’re so used to going and doing. Society tells us that we constantly have to have a plan, goal, objective, and schedule. And if we’re not, we’re not being productive. these current moments we are being FORCED to stop going and doing, and start BEING.

When you find yourself caught up in a SWIRL of questions, internal and external...STOP and ask yourself:

  1. Why does this matter?

  2. Do I need an answer?

  3. Am I able to LET GO without getting one right now? 

You’ll start to find that much of what we obsess about and overthink won’t matter next week, next month, next year. There’s peace in surrender...are you willing to get quiet, just ‘BE’, and  give it a try?


Why are we spending MORE for groceries?

They told us to stockpile. So we rushed, shopped, ordered, (some) fought, and picked up. And then we had to replenish...again…and again. But as one of the memes says, it seems our whole budget is going to food. If you can identify, you’re not alone. And you’re not crazy. But WHY??!! Yes, we are probably eating more at home, but are we really eating THAT MUCH MORE? The short answer is, “No.”

There’s a little concept in economics known as supply and demand - where the amount of supply of a product, combined with the demand of a product, will determine its price. So for example: 

The price of oranges was reduced dramatically on March 1st because farmers had a huge supply, grocery stores had a nice sale, and there were so many oranges on the market. But as the global pandemic got under way, by April 1st the demand had increased, but there were fewer oranges to sell, so farmers raised the price of the oranges and grocers aren’t offering those same nice sales.

So generally speaking, the price of something will go up if the demand goes up because if the seller can get more money for whatever he or she is selling...they will. Some call it price gouging, others call it survival.

So how do we beat this rigged system and still keep our essential items stocked, especially when our money and store promos are running LOW?

  1. Have a shopping list - even pre-Covid it always paid to plan, avoid impulse-buying, and stay within budget

  2. Buy more non-perishables - of course fresh is best, but it hurts to waste/throw away the spoiled good stuff too

  3. Don’t panic buy - be sure not to purchase toilet paper, toiletries, and OTC medications that you don’t need. Take an inventory before you head out. 

By changing our usual shopping habits, we may be able to keep our sanity, lower our stress at the checkout, and digest our food a little better too! 


Why does it feel like we’re in a time warp?

What day is it? I’ve heard some, “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” It’s all a BLUR anyway, right? Now that we have the time we always wished we had, the experience can be very surreal. 

Researchers call it subjective time. Since the world is so different now than it was in February, it seems like that second month of the year was forever ago. Our emotions also affect the way that we perceive time. For those who have been fortunate to work from home, and experience pleasant times, the time usually flies by. But for those who have been laid off, and/or dealing with unpleasant effects of this pandemic, there’s more time to focus on the passing of time.

Whether your days are flying by or dragging slowly, you can get your footing and keep your balance by:

  1. Sitting with your calendar on Sunday, and making a list of things that need to be done for the week.

  2. Injecting something that brings you JOY into each day, no matter how short on time you may be.

  3. Being intentional about HOW you will rest and recharge at intervals...daily.

How do you want to emerge from COVID-19, whatever that looks like? If you don’t want to look back saying, “I wish I had…,” take some time to complete activities 1-3 and CHOOSE to control the ONE thing that’s certain right now...YOU. 


Are there more virtual events than the ones we had in real life?

Zoomed…OUT! That’s the feeling so many of us share. If we have to click another LINK, dial another number, and put in another passcode, we will SCREAM. I’m going to talk more about this in the coming weeks, but for right now a few observations:

  • People appear to feel more productive when they send those links and say, “I had a zoom meeting...”

  • People aren’t always comfortable ‘sitting with themselves’ (not referring to the true extroverts or introverts...just those who avoid dealing with their stuff), so they keep a string of virtual events in their queue (much like in real life).

  • People are truly creative and trying to preserve the memories of the milestone events and special occasions the best they can...and it’s sweet.

Of course we have to answer when duty calls ( But we are free to do what works for us outside of the mandatory. Be #intentional about not over-committing so much of yourself to others that you miss out on the quality time with yourself’ve always wanted.  


This is coaching…

Sometimes these 1-2-3 steps are enough, sometimes they aren’t. If you need objective support to reframe the negativity, fear, and anxiety you’re feeling right now, this is the perfect time to schedule a clarity call to make sense of it all, and get help navigating the new normal. 

Barbara Shabazz

Dr. Barbara Ford Shabazz is a clinical psychologist and personal + executive coach. With a Doctoral degree (Psy.D.), she has spent 20+ years working with women and men in therapy and students in the classroom. She is a wife, mother, daughter, friend, author and darn-good professional.

‘Two-Marshmallow Adult’


COVID-19 and the Russian Doll Effect